~ 1
■ adjective of a dull greyish-brown colour.
■ noun
1》 a dull greyish-brown colour.
2》 a horse with a sandy coat, black mane, tail, and lower legs, and a dark dorsal stripe.
3》 a subadult mayfly with drab, opaque wings, or a fishing fly imitating this.
OE ~ , ~n , of Gmc origin; prob. related to dusk .
~ 2
■ verb ( ~s , ~ning , ~ned ) make persistent demands on (someone) for payment of a debt.
■ noun archaic a debt collector or an insistent creditor.
C17 (asnoun): perh. from obs. Dunkirk privateer (with connotations of piratical demands), or from the name of a Joe Dun , a well-known bailiff.
~ 3
■ noun Archaeology (often in place names) a stone-built fortified settlement in Scotland or Ireland, of a kind built from the late Iron Age to the early Middle Ages.
C18: from Ir. dún , Sc. Gaelic dùn 'hill or hill fort'.