[ 'pɒmpənəʊ ]
■ noun ( plural ~s )
1》 an edible butterfish of the west coast of North America. [ Peprillus simillimus .]
2》 another term for jack 1 (in sense 10).
C18: from Sp. pámpano , perh. from pámpana 'vine leaf', because of its shape.
[ 'pɒmpənəʊ ]
■ noun ( plural ~s )
1》 an edible butterfish of the west coast of North America. [ Peprillus simillimus .]
2》 another term for jack 1 (in sense 10).
C18: from Sp. pámpano , perh. from pámpana 'vine leaf', because of its shape.
Concise Oxford English vocab. Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка. 2004