Meaning of POSH in English


■ adjective

1》 elegant or stylishly luxurious.

2》 chiefly Brit. upper-class.

■ adverb Brit. in an upper-class way.

■ verb ( ~ something up ) Brit. smarten something up.


~ly adverb

~ness noun

Word History

Posh is first recorded in the early 20th century. Its origin is unknown: it may come from the obsolete thieves' slang word ~ , which meant either 'money' or 'a dandy'. There is no basis for the popular theory that ~ is an acronym of port out starboard home , referring to the choice of more expensive berths, out of the heat of the sun, on ships between England and India.

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.