■ prefix
1》 once more; afresh; anew: reactivate.
↘with return to a previous state: restore.
2》 (also red- ) in return; mutually: resemble.
↘in opposition: repel.
3》 behind or after: relic.
↘in a withdrawn state: reticent.
↘back and away; down: recede.
4》 with frequentative or intensive force: resound.
5》 with negative force: recant.
from L. ~ , red- 'again, back'.
Words formed with ~ tend to be unhyphenated: restore , reacquaint . An exception to this occurs when the word to which ~ attaches begins with e , in which case a hyphen is often inserted for clarity: ~examine , ~enter . A hyphen is sometimes also used where the word formed with the prefix would be identical to an already existing word: ~cover (meaning ‘cover again’) not recover (meaning ‘get better in health’).