■ noun
1》 a rubber cup that adheres to a surface by suction.
↘a flat or concave organ enabling an animal to cling to a surface by suction.
2》 the piston of a suction pump.
↘a pipe through which liquid is drawn by suction.
3》 informal a gullible or easily deceived person.
↘( a ~ for ) a person especially susceptible to or fond of (a specified thing).
4》 N. Amer. informal an unspecified person or thing.
5》 Botany a shoot springing from the base of a tree or other plant, especially one arising from the root at some distance from the trunk.
↘a side shoot from an axillary bud.
6》 a freshwater fish with thick lips that sucks up food from the bottom. [Family Catostomidae: many species.]
7》 N. Amer. informal a lollipop.
■ verb
1》 Botany (of a plant) produce ~s.
2》 N. Amer. informal fool or trick (someone).