■ noun
1》 ( plural same) chiefly formal or N. Amer. a pig.
2》 ( plural same or ~s ) informal a contemptible or unpleasant person.
swinish adjective
swinishly adverb
swinishness noun
OE swīn , of Gmc origin; related to sow 2 .
■ noun
1》 ( plural same) chiefly formal or N. Amer. a pig.
2》 ( plural same or ~s ) informal a contemptible or unpleasant person.
swinish adjective
swinishly adverb
swinishness noun
OE swīn , of Gmc origin; related to sow 2 .
Concise Oxford English vocab. Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка. 2004