■ noun
1》 a feeling of surprise and admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, or unfamiliar.
2》 a person or thing that causes such a feeling.
↘[as modifier ] having remarkable properties or abilities: a ~ drug.
■ verb
1》 feel curious; desire to know.
↘used to express a polite question or request.
2》 feel doubt.
3》 feel ~.
I shouldn't ~ informal I think it likely.
no (or little or small ) ~ it is not surprising.
nine days' (or seven-day or one-day ) ~ something that attracts great interest for a short while but is then forgotten.
~s will never cease often ironic an exclamation of surprise and pleasure.
work (or do ) ~s have a very beneficial effect.
~er noun
~ing adjective
~ingly adverb
OE wundor (n.), wundrian (v.), of Gmc origin.