[Judaic] Cain, the eldest son of Adam and Eve, made a sacrificial offering of his harvest to God as did his younger brother Abel. His offering to God was unacceptable in contrast to his brother's, which was accepted. In revenge Cain murdered his brother. Cain's offering of the first harvest of his crops, according to John 3:12, speak of a regenerate believer, the natural man, who worship was lacking any sin of the need for the atonement for sin, which caused his sacrificial offering to be unacceptable to God; whereas his brother's offering recognized the need for the atonement for sin. After murdering his brother God asked him where his brother was; Cain replied, with the now famous phrase, "Am I, my brother's keeper?" God told him his crime, or sin, was known. That He, the Lord, would place a curse upon him and the ground which he should cultivate. Cain would endure the torments of conscience for his brother's voice would cry from the earth. Fearful that others should know of his crime, Cain...
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