[Arthurian] The seat of Arthur's power in medieval romance. The name is of unknown origin and refers to the castle but also includes the surrounding town. The village name of Camel occurs in relation to Cadbury Castle in Somerset. Archaeology has shown that this association is no passing fancy but it's relationship with Cadbury's Arthurian lore is uncertain. Camelot appears, most significantly, as a personal capital as opposed to a permanent or national one. It is Arthur's and Arthur's alone. There are no previous lords and Arthur's successor, Constantine, does not take up residence there. Camelot is actually said to have been demolished after Arthur and Lancelot were gone by Mark. Fazio degli Uberti, the Italian poet, claims to have seen the ruins in the 14th century. Camelot is first named in Chretien de Troyes' Lancelot, though hinted at by Geoffrey's earlier Caerleon, but becomes prominent only in the Vulgate Cycle and after. 13th century writers describe a river, forest and surrounding pl...
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