Meaning of GANESHA in English

[Hindu] "Lord of the hosts". In Hindu mythology and religion, the god of wisdom, prudence, and learning. He is the remover of obstacles, leader of the troops of inferior deities. He is the son of Shiva and Parvati (Devi), or of the scurf of Parvati's body. Ganesha is worshipped in the Deccan and is often depicted in Saivite shrines. He is represented as a pot-bellied fat man of red or yellow color, with four hands and a one-tusked elephant head, sometimes riding a rat or attended by one. Both his head and the rat vehicle symbolize his power to vanquish every obstacle in his way, whether it be by trampling the jungle or by entering a granary. There are many myths about Ganesha which account for his head. According to one, Shiva struck off Ganesha's head when his son refused him entrance to Parvati's bath. To placate his wife he replaced the head with that of an elephant. In another myth, the proud mother showed him off to Shiva whose glance burned the child's head to ashes. The god Brahma ad...

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