[Greek] In mythology there are several figures named Glaucus, probably the most famous mythological tale is of Glaucus the fisherman Glaucus was fishing in the river, he hauled in his catch, and on emptying his net noticed the fish he had already caught were reviving, and escaping back into the water, wondering what was causing this to happen, he took a closer look and realized he had emptied his catch on a patch of strange herbs on the river bank. Glaucus picked a handful of these strange herbs, and on tasting them had an urge to enter the river, he plunged in, and no sooner had he entered the water he had changed into a sea-monster with sea-green hair, huge broad shoulders and a fish-like tail. His transformation was accepted by the gods, and so Glaucus became immortal, a sea-god One day he spied a beautiful girl, Scylla, a favorite of the water-nymphs, and fell instantly in love with her. Scylla on seeing Glaucus ran away, and no matter how he tried she kept on reje...
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