Meaning of KOKOPELLI in English

[Native American] Kokopelli, the hump-back flute player, is a symbol seen all over the southwest. Evidence from canyon walls and ancient pottery indicate that he was a popular symbol to many Indian tribes. To the Hopi, Kokopelli actually represents one who brings the burden of babies and also one who carries sacks of buckskins for the women to make moccasins. In the springtime he is part of ceremonies depicting certain mating rituals. In Zuni culture, Kokopelli is known to be an important rain priest who brings in the rain. Known as Ololowishkya, he is shown with a festive hairstyle, displaying a large phallus and is always seen with flute playing Paiyatamu as part of corn grinding ceremonies. In the Winnebago version of Kokopelli, he has a penis which he could detach and send down the river to "have his way" with the young maidens bathing in the stream.

Encyclopedia Mythica English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический словарь греческой мифологии.