[Greek] Laomedon was the son of Ilus and a king of Troy, two of his sons were Tithonus and Podarces (Priam) who was later to be king. Laomedon was also very well known for his blatant treachery. It was Laomedon who gave Troy (Ilion) its city walls, to build them, he persuaded Poseidon and Apollo, (who at that time had been banished from Mount Olympus for a year by Zeus, for not obeying his wishes), telling them he would reward them well. After many months of hard work the walls were finished, the finest ever seen, but when Apollo and Poseidon asked for their reward, Laomedon refused to give them their payment and drove them away, hurling threats and insults towards the immortals. Poseidon and Apollo returned to Mount Olympus, as their year of banishment was complete, but the two gods were extremely angry at Laomedon's actions. To gain vengeance over Laomedon, Apollo sent a plague over the land, and Poseidon a sea-monster. Laomedon asked the advice of an oracle to rid his land of these hard...
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