Meaning of SACÍ-PERERÊ in English

[Folklore] He was a little black boy, really really naughty, who can do magic, turn into whirlwind, likes to hide others people's things, play with the horse's hair, scare the people, and plays a lot of other pranks. The description of Saci is that he is a little black boy with a single leg and wearing a kind of red hat (where Saci's magic came from) and is always smoking. According to legend, there is a way to capture the Saci and that is when he is a whirlwind. One must get a bolter and place that on the whirlwind, then capture the Saci and put him in a bottle. A person can then tell him to make things for him.

Encyclopedia Mythica English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический словарь греческой мифологии.