[Greek] The identification of Thrice-Hero (Tris-Heros) is a point of discussion. This name was found twice in the tablets with the Linear Script B from Pylos. Thrice-Hero was mentioned together with the other gods on the human-sacrifice tablet and the name appeared also in context with the offerings of a golden vessel and perfumed oil. It means, that Trice-Hero was worshipped during the Mycenaean time as a local deity in Pylos and offerings were brought to his honor. The cult of heroes was common in the Greek world. There was a supposition that this worshipping started from the Mycenaean cult of dead and from there that it came directly into the Archaic Greek religion (Nilsson). According to another theory the worship of heroes derived much more later from the influence of the eight century-epic poetry (Burkert). But the name of Thrice-Hero in the Linear Script B and the offerings giving to him are some proves, that the roots of the hero-cult reached until the Mycenaean time. The cult of th...
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