Meaning of TRASGU in English

[Folklore] El Trasgu. Trasgus are typical from Asturian folklore, but in fact they are known in all the country (Spain) under the less regional appellative of "trasgos". In others parts of Europe, they are known as "lutin", "follet", "kobold" or "puck". Trasgos are horned and have a tail; they also walk with a limp, but this doesn't mean they are not agile. In fact, they really are! As they are of the family of imps ("duendes" in Spanish, or "lutins" in French), they are small (70 to 90 cm tall), wear a red, pointed hood or hat, and are happy, noisy lads who like joking. Trasgos live in old houses, and are specially fond on those with a big garret or lumber room. They are not sentimentally attached to the building, but to the family that inhabits there, and the trasgo will follow the family if it moves to another place. Trasgos love any kind of domestic work, but they must be repaid with food and warmth, otherwise they can become very angry. They will then awake sleeping people, displace any obje...

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