A territorial subdivision, generally considered six miles long, six miles wide, and containing 36 Sections, each section 1 mile square (640 acres). The Township designation is part of a description of the location of land using the survey system (Public Land Survey System: PLSS) of the United States Government and includes the 40-acre subdivision within a quarter, section, township and range. The public land survey system is based on the concept of a township as a square parcel of land six miles on each side. Its location is established as being so many six-mile units east of a north-south line (called the meridian) and so many six-mile units north or south of an east-west line (called the baseline). The township is described by township and range, e.g., T.4N, R.23E. Each township is further divided into 36 parts called sections one mile square (each section measuring 5,280 feet on each side). A typical section contains 640 acres; however, some sections may contain more or less acreage than 640. Also see Section.
Meaning of TOWNSHIP in English
Environmental engineering English vocabulary. Английский словарь экологического инжиниринга. 2012