Meaning of DB (DECIBEL) in English

The standard unit used to express gain or loss of power along a signal path. It indicates the logarithmic ratio of output power divided by input power. A power loss of 3 dB is an attenuation of the incoming signal by half of its original value. A 3 dB power loss is equal to a 6 dB voltage loss. [dB = 10 log P1/P2, P = V¨/R, If R is a fixed value, then: dB = 10 log (V1/V2)¨ or dB = 20 log V1/V2. ] This method of scaling levels becomes important because human sensitivity to sight and sound are logarithmic, which accounts for our large dynamic range capability.

Film and video English vocabulary.      Английский словарь фильмов и видео.