Meaning of GOEDEL in English

< language > (After the mathematician Kurt Gdel ) A declarative , general-purpose language for artificial intelligence based on logic programming . It can be regarded as a successor to Prolog . The type system is based on many-sorted logic with parametric polymorphism . Modularity is supported, as well as infinite precision arithmetic and finite set s.

Goedel has a rich collection of system modules and provides constraint solving in several domains. It also offers metalogical facilities that provide significant support for metaprogram s that do analysis, transformation, compilation, verification, and debugging.

A significant subset of Goedel has been implemented on top of SISCtus Prolog by Jiwei Wang jiwei@lapu.bristol.ac.uk .

FTP Bristol, UK , FTP K U Leuven .

E-mail: goedel@compsci.bristol.ac.uk .


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