transcription, транскрипция: [ eɪl ]
v. 1 tr. archaic (only in 3rd person interrog. or indefinite constructions) trouble or afflict in mind or body ( what ails him?). 2 intr. (usu. be ailing) be ill. [OE egl(i)an f. egle troublesome]
transcription, транскрипция: [ eɪl ]
v. 1 tr. archaic (only in 3rd person interrog. or indefinite constructions) trouble or afflict in mind or body ( what ails him?). 2 intr. (usu. be ailing) be ill. [OE egl(i)an f. egle troublesome]
English main colloquial, spoken dictionary. Английский основной разговорный словарь. 2012