Meaning of CANVAS in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈkænvəs ]

n. & v. --n. 1 a a strong coarse kind of cloth made from hemp or flax or other coarse yarn and used for sails and tents etc. and as a surface for oil-painting. b a piece of this. 2 a painting on canvas, esp. in oils. 3 an open kind of canvas used as a basis for tapestry and embroidery. 4 sl. the floor of a boxing or wrestling ring. 5 a racing-boat's covered end. (canvassed, canvassing; US canvased, canvasing) cover with canvas. øby a canvas (in boat-racing) by a small margin (win by a canvas). canvas-back a wild duck Aythya valisineria, of N. America, with back feathers the colour of unbleached canvas. under canvas 1 in a tent or tents. 2 with sails spread. [ME & ONF canevas, ult. f. L cannabis hemp]

English main colloquial, spoken dictionary.      Английский основной разговорный словарь.