transcription, транскрипция: [ kɔf ]
v. & n. --v.intr. 1 expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound produced by abrupt opening of the glottis, to remove an obstruction or congestion. 2 (of an engine, gun, etc.) make a similar sound. 3 sl. confess. --n. 1 an act of coughing. 2 a condition of the respiratory organs causing coughing. 3 a tendency to cough. øcough drop (or sweet) a medicated lozenge to relieve a cough. cough mixture a liquid medicine to relieve a cough. cough out 1 eject by coughing. 2 say with a cough. cough up 1 = cough out. 2 sl. bring out or give (money or information) reluctantly. øøcougher n. [ME coghe, cowhe, rel. to MDu. kuchen, MHG kuchen, of imit. orig.]