transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈdresɪŋ ]
n. 1 in senses of DRESS v. 2 a an accompaniment to salads, usu. a mixture of oil with other ingredients; a sauce or seasoning (French dressing). b US stuffing. 3 a a bandage for a wound. b ointment etc. used to dress a wound. 4 size or stiffening used to finish fabrics. 5 compost etc. spread over land (a top dressing of peat). ødressing-case a case containing toiletries etc. dressing-down colloq. a scolding; a severe reprimand. dressing-gown a loose usu. belted robe worn over nightwear or while resting. dressing-room 1 a room for changing the clothes etc. in a theatre, sports-ground, etc. 2 a small room attached to a bedroom, containing clothes. dressing-station esp. Mil. a place for giving emergency treatment to wounded people. dressing-table a table with a mirror, drawers, etc., used while applying make-up etc.