transcription, транскрипция: [ dwɔ:f ]
n. & v. --n. (pl. dwarfs or dwarves) 1 a a person of abnormally small stature, esp. one with a normal-sized head and body but short limbs. °The term person of restricted growth is now often preferred. b an animal or plant much below the ordinary size for the species. 2 a small mythological being with supernatural powers. 3 (in full dwarf star) a small usu. dense star. 4 (attrib.) a of a kind very small in size (dwarf bean). b puny, stunted. 1 stunt in growth. 2 cause (something similar or comparable) to seem small or insignificant (efforts dwarfed by their rivals' achievements). øødwarfish adj. [OE dweorg f. Gmc]