n. & v. (also dike) --n. 1 a long wall or embankment built to prevent flooding, esp. from the sea. 2 a a ditch or artificial watercourse. b Brit. a natural watercourse. 3 a a low wall, esp. of turf. b a causeway. 4 a barrier or obstacle; a defence. 5 Geol. an intrusion of igneous rock across sedimentary strata. 6 esp. Austral. sl. a lavatory. --v.tr. provide or defend with a dyke or dykes. [ME f. ON dÂk or MLG dik dam, MDu. dijc ditch, dam: cf. DITCH]
Meaning of DYKE in English
English main colloquial, spoken dictionary. Английский основной разговорный словарь. 2012