transcription, транскрипция: [ eksˈheɪl ]
v. 1 tr. breathe out (esp. air or smoke) from the lungs. 2 tr. & intr. give off or be given off in vapour. øøexhalable adj. [ME f. OF exhaler f. L exhalare (as EX-(1), halare breathe)]
transcription, транскрипция: [ eksˈheɪl ]
v. 1 tr. breathe out (esp. air or smoke) from the lungs. 2 tr. & intr. give off or be given off in vapour. øøexhalable adj. [ME f. OF exhaler f. L exhalare (as EX-(1), halare breathe)]
English main colloquial, spoken dictionary. Английский основной разговорный словарь. 2012