Meaning of FIERY in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈfaɪərɪ ]

adj. (fierier, fieriest) 1 a consisting of or flaming with fire. b (of an arrow etc.) fire-bearing. 2 like fire in appearance, bright red. 3 a hot as fire. b acting like fire; producing a burning sensation. 4 a flashing, ardent (fiery eyes). b eager, pugnacious, spirited, irritable (fiery temper). c (of a horse) mettlesome. 5 (of gas, a mine, etc.) inflammable; liable to explosions. 6 Cricket (of a pitch) making the ball rise dangerously. øfiery cross a wooden cross charred or set on fire as a symbol. øøfierily adv. fieriness n.

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