transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈɡlɔ:rɪ ]
n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 high renown or fame; honour. 2 adoring praise and thanksgiving (Glory to the Lord). 3 resplendent majesty or magnificence; great beauty (the glory of Versailles; the glory of the rose). 4 a thing that brings renown or praise; a distinction. 5 the bliss and splendour of heaven. 6 colloq. a state of exaltation, prosperity, happiness, etc. (is in his glory playing with his trains). 7 an aureole, a halo. 8 an anthelion. --v.intr. (often foll. by in, or to + infin.) pride oneself; exult (glory in their skill). øglory be! 1 a devout ejaculation. 2 colloq. an exclamation of surprise or delight. glory-box Austral. & NZ a box for women's clothes etc., stored in preparation for marriage. glory-hole 1 colloq. an untidy room, drawer, or receptacle. 2 US an open quarry. glory-of-the-snow = CHIONODOXA. go to glory sl. die; be destroyed. [ME f. AF & OF glorie f. L gloria]