transcription, транскрипция: [ ̘. ̈n.ˈɪnvə:t ]
v. & n. 1 turn upside down. 2 reverse the position, order, or relation of. 3 Mus. change the relative position of the notes of (a chord or interval) by placing the lowest note higher, usu. by an octave. 4 subject to inversion. --n. 1 a homosexual. 2 an inverted arch, as at the bottom of a sewer. øinverted comma = quotation mark. inverted snob a person who likes or takes pride in what a snob might be expected to disapprove of. invert sugar a mixture of dextrose and laevulose. øøinverter n. invertible adj. invertibility n. [L invertere invers- (as IN-(2), vertere turn)]