transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈlɔrəl ]
n. & v. --n. 1 = BAY(2). 2 a (in sing. or pl.) the foliage of the bay-tree used as an emblem of victory or distinction in poetry usu. formed into a wreath or crown. b (in pl.) honour or distinction. 3 any plant with dark-green glossy leaves like a bay-tree, e.g. cherry-laurel, mountain laurel, spurge laurel. (laurelled, laurelling; US laureled, laureling) wreathe with laurel. ølook to one's laurels beware of losing one's pre-eminence. rest on one's laurels be satisfied with what one has done and not seek further success. [ME lorer f. OF lorier f. Prov. laurier f. laur f. L laurus]