transcription, транскрипция: [ ̘. ̈n.ˈɔ:rɪənt ]
n., adj., & v. --n. 1 (the Orient) a poet. the east. b the countries E. of the Mediterranean, esp. E. Asia. 2 an orient pearl. --adj. 1 poet. oriental. 2 (of precious stones and esp. the finest pearls coming orig. from the East) lustrous; sparkling; precious. 3 archaic a radiant. b (of the sun, daylight, etc.) rising. --v. 1 tr. a place or exactly determine the position of with the aid of a compass; settle or find the bearings of. b (often foll. by towards) bring (oneself, different elements, etc.) into a clearly understood position or relationship; direct. 2 tr. a place or build (a church, building, etc.) facing towards the East. b bury (a person) with the feet towards the East. 3 intr. turn eastward or in a specified direction. øorient oneself determine how one stands in relation to one's surroundings. [ME f. OF orient, orienter f. L oriens -entis rising, sunrise, east, f. oriri rise]