Meaning of ORTHODOX in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈɔ:θədɔks ]

adj. 1 a holding correct or currently accepted opinions, esp. on religious doctrine, morals, etc. b not independent-minded; unoriginal; unheretical. 2 (of religious doctrine, standards of morality, etc.) generally accepted as right or true; authoritatively established; conventional. 3 (also Orthodox) (of Judaism) strictly keeping to traditional doctrine and ritual. øOrthodox Church the Eastern Church, separated from the Western Church in the 11th c., having the Patriarch of Constantinople as its head, and including the national Churches of Russia, Romania, Greece, etc. øøorthodoxly adv. [eccl. L orthodoxus f. Gk orthodoxos f. doxa opinion]

English main colloquial, spoken dictionary.      Английский основной разговорный словарь.