transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈpæʃən ]
n. 1 strong barely controllable emotion. 2 an outburst of anger (flew into a passion). 3 intense sexual love. 4 a strong enthusiasm (has a passion for football). b an object arousing this. 5 (the Passion) a Relig. the suffering of Christ during his last days. b a narrative of this from the Gospels. c a musical setting of any of these narratives. øpassion-flower any climbing plant of the genus Passiflora, with a flower that was supposed to suggest the instruments of the Crucifixion. passion-fruit the edible fruit of some species of passion-flower, esp. Passiflora edulis: also called GRANADILLA. passion-play a miracle play representing Christ's Passion. Passion Sunday the fifth Sunday in Lent. Passion Week 1 the week between Passion Sunday and Palm Sunday. 2 = Holy Week. øøpassionless adj. [ME f. OF f. LL passio -onis f. L pati pass- suffer]