transcription, транскрипция: [ pɪs ]
v. & n. coarse sl. °Usually considered a taboo word. --v. 1 intr. urinate. 2 tr. a discharge (blood etc.) when urinating. b wet with urine. 3 tr. (as pissed adj.) Brit. drunk. --n. 1 urine. 2 an act of urinating. øpiss about fool or mess about. piss artist 1 a drunkard. 2 a person who fools about. 3 a glib person. piss down rain heavily. piss off Brit. 1 go away. 2 (often as pissed off adj.) annoy; depress. piss-pot a chamber-pot. piss-taker a person who mocks. piss-taking mockery. piss-up a drinking spree. take the piss (often foll. by out of) mock; deride. [ME f. OF pisser (imit.)]