transcription, транскрипция: [ prəuˈzeɪɪk ]
adj. 1 like prose, lacking poetic beauty. 2 unromantic; dull; commonplace (took a prosaic view of life). øøprosaically adv. prosaicness n. [F prosaìque or LL prosaicus (as PROSE)]
transcription, транскрипция: [ prəuˈzeɪɪk ]
adj. 1 like prose, lacking poetic beauty. 2 unromantic; dull; commonplace (took a prosaic view of life). øøprosaically adv. prosaicness n. [F prosaìque or LL prosaicus (as PROSE)]
English main colloquial, spoken dictionary. Английский основной разговорный словарь. 2012