transcription, транскрипция: [ ̘. ̈n.ˈprəutest ]
n. & v. --n. 1 a statement of dissent or disapproval; a remonstrance (made a protest). 2 (often attrib.) a usu. public demonstration of objection to government etc. policy (marched in protest; protest demonstration). 3 a solemn declaration. 4 Law a written declaration, usu. by a notary public, that a bill has been presented and payment or acceptance refused. --v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by against, at, about, etc.) make a protest against an action, proposal, etc. 2 tr. (often foll. by that + clause; also absol.) affirm (one's innocence etc.) solemnly, esp. in reply to an accusation etc. 3 tr. Law write or obtain a protest in regard to (a bill). 4 tr. US object to (a decision etc.). øunder protest unwillingly. øøprotester n. protestingly adv. protestor n. [ME f. OF protest (n.), protester (v.), f. L protestari (as PRO-(1), testari assert f. testis witness)]