transcription, транскрипция: [ pru:v ]
v. (past part. proved or proven) 1 tr. (often foll. by that + clause) demonstrate the truth of by evidence or argument. 2 intr. a (usu. foll. by to + infin.) be found (it proved to be untrue). b emerge incontrovertibly as (will prove the winner). 3 tr. Math. test the accuracy of (a calculation). 4 tr. establish the genuineness and validity of (a will). 5 intr. (of dough) rise in bread-making. 6 tr. = PROOF 6. 7 tr. subject (a gun etc.) to a testing process. 8 tr. archaic test the qualities of; try. ønot proven (in Scottish Law) a verdict that there is insufficient evidence to establish guilt or innocence. prove oneself show one's abilities, courage, etc. øøprovable adj. provability n. provably adv. [ME f. OF prover f. L probare test, approve, demonstrate f. probus good]