Meaning of RAZOR in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈreɪzə ]

n. & v. --n. an instrument with a sharp blade used in cutting hair esp. from the skin. --v.tr. 1 use a razor on. 2 shave; cut down close. ørazor-back an animal with a sharp ridged back, esp. a rorqual. razor-bill an auk, Alca torda, with a sharp-edged bill. razor-blade a blade used in a razor, esp. a flat piece of metal with a sharp edge or edges used in a safety razor. razor-cut a haircut made with a razor. razor- (or razor's) edge 1 a keen edge. 2 a sharp mountain-ridge. 3 a critical situation (found themselves on a razor-edge). 4 a sharp line of division. razor-fish (or -shell) any of various bivalve molluscs of the family Solenidae, with a shell like the handle of a cutthroat razor. [ME f. OF rasor (as RAZE)]

English main colloquial, spoken dictionary.      Английский основной разговорный словарь.