n. & v. --n. 1 a usu. permanent mark on the skin left after the healing of a wound, burn, or sore. 2 the lasting effect of grief etc. on a person's character or disposition. 3 a mark left by damage etc. (the table bore many scars). 4 a mark left on the stem etc. of a plant by the fall of a leaf etc. --v. (scarred, scarring) 1 tr. (esp. as scarred adj.) mark with a scar or scars (was scarred for life). 2 intr. heal over; form a scar. 3 tr. form a scar on. øøscarless adj. [ME f. OF eschar(r)e f. LL eschara f. Gk eskhara scab]
Meaning of SCAR in English
English main colloquial, spoken dictionary. Английский основной разговорный словарь. 2012