transcription, транскрипция: [ sʌn ]
n. 1 a boy or man in relation to either or both of his parents. 2 a a male descendant. b (foll. by of) a male member of a family, nation, etc. 3 a person regarded as inheriting an occupation, quality, etc., or associated with a particular attribute (sons of freedom; sons of the soil). 4 (in full my son) a form of address esp. to a boy. 5 (the Son) (in Christian belief) the second person of the Trinity. øson-in-law (pl. sons-in-law) the husband of one's daughter. son of a bitch sl. a general term of contempt. son of a gun colloq. a jocular or affectionate form of address or reference. øøsonless adj. sonship n. [OE sunu f. Gmc]