transcription, транскрипция: [ ̈ɪˈtenə ]
n. 1 a a singing-voice between baritone and alto or counter-tenor, the highest of the ordinary adult male range. b a singer with this voice. c a part written for it. 2 a an instrument, esp. a viola, recorder, or saxophone, of which the range is roughly that of a tenor voice. b (in full tenor bell) the largest bell of a peal or set. 3 (usu. foll. by of) the general purport or drift of a document or speech. 4 (usu. foll. by of) a settled or prevailing course or direction, esp. the course of a person's life or habits. 5 Law a the actual wording of a document. b an exact copy. 6 the subject to which a metaphor refers (opp. VEHICLE 4). øtenor clef Mus. a clef placing middle C on the second highest line of the staff. [ME f. AF tenur, OF tenour f. L tenor -oris f. tenere hold]