transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈtwɪŋkl ]
v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (of a star or light etc.) shine with rapidly intermittent gleams. 2 intr. (of the eyes) sparkle. 3 intr. (of the feet in dancing) move lightly and rapidly. 4 tr. emit (a light or signal) in quick gleams. 5 tr. blink or wink (one's eyes). --n. 1 a a sparkle or gleam of the eyes. b a blink or wink. 2 a slight flash of light; a glimmer. 3 a short rapid movement. øin a twinkle (or a twinkling or the twinkling of an eye) in an instant. øøtwinkler n. twinkly adj. [OE twinclian]