transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈvɔlɪ ]
n. & v. --n. (pl. -eys) 1 a the simultaneous discharge of a number of weapons. b the bullets etc. discharged in a volley. 2 (usu. foll. by of) a noisy emission of oaths etc. in quick succession. 3 Tennis the return of a ball in play before it touches the ground. 4 Football the kicking of a ball in play before it touches the ground. 5 Cricket a a ball pitched right up to the batsman or the stumps without bouncing. b the pitching of the ball in this way. --v. (-eys, -eyed) 1 tr. (also absol.) Tennis & Football return or send (a ball) by a volley. 2 tr. & absol. discharge (bullets, abuse, etc.) in a volley. 3 intr. (of bullets etc.) fly in a volley. 4 intr. (of guns etc.) sound together. 5 intr. make a sound like a volley of artillery. øøvolleyer n. [F vol÷e ult. f. L volare fly]