transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈwæɡl ]
v. & n. colloq. --v. 1 intr. & tr. wag. 2 intr. Golf swing the club-head to and fro over the ball before playing a shot. --n. a waggling motion. [WAG(1) + -LE(4)]
transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈwæɡl ]
v. & n. colloq. --v. 1 intr. & tr. wag. 2 intr. Golf swing the club-head to and fro over the ball before playing a shot. --n. a waggling motion. [WAG(1) + -LE(4)]
English main colloquial, spoken dictionary. Английский основной разговорный словарь. 2012