transcription, транскрипция: [ ̈ɪwi:d ]
n. & v. --n. 1 a wild plant growing where it is not wanted. 2 a thin weak-looking person or horse. 3 (prec. by the) sl. a marijuana. b tobacco. --v. 1 tr. a clear (an area) of weeds. b remove unwanted parts from. 2 tr. (foll. by out) a sort out (inferior or unwanted parts etc.) for removal. b rid (a quantity or company) of inferior or unwanted members etc. 3 intr. cut off or uproot weeds. øweed-grown overgrown with weeds. weed-killer a substance used to destroy weeds. øøweeder n. weedless adj. [OE weod, of unkn. orig.]