transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈʃeɪkdaun ]
{n.} 1. A test. * /Let's take the new car out and give it a shakedown./ 2. An act of extorting money by threatening. * /It was a nasty shakedown, to get $500 from the old man, promising to protect him./
transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈʃeɪkdaun ]
{n.} 1. A test. * /Let's take the new car out and give it a shakedown./ 2. An act of extorting money by threatening. * /It was a nasty shakedown, to get $500 from the old man, promising to protect him./
Dictionary of English idioms . Словарь английских идиом. 2012