Meaning of THE WORKS in English

{n. plural}, {slang} 1. Everything that can be had or that you have; everything of this kind, all that goes with it. * /When the tramp found $100, he went into a fine restaurant and ordered the works with a steak dinner./ 1b. See: SHOOT THE WORKS. 2. Rough handling or treatment; a bad beating or scolding; killing; murder. - Usually used with "get" or "give". * /The boy said that Joe was going to get the works if he ever came back to that neighborhood again./ * /The newspaper gave the police department the works when they let the burglars get away./ * /The gangster told his friend he would give him the works if he double-crossed him./ Compare: THE BUSINESS.

Dictionary of English idioms .      Словарь английских идиом.