Meaning of RGB in English

RGB is short for colors red,green,and blue often used in color coding on web pages,particularly for GIF files.64K color values can be represented by a byte(8 bits of data ) each for red,green,and blue.These are commonly expressed in hexadecimal values from 00 to FF for each color.The color value for white in this system is FFFFFF,where each color is at maximum value.Red is FF====.Yellow is FFFF==.There is a smaller set of non_dithering colors where the permissible values for each color are hexadecimal 00,33,66,99,CC or FF or decimal 0,51,102,153,204 , and the results will look the same with different browsers,computers,and color cards.

Internet terms and acronyms English vocab.      Английский словарь Интернет терминов и сокращений.