Meaning of JUALA in English


Useful information: Juala means that a person may promise that if a particular job is done for him he will give a specified amount in lieu of it, for example, he may say that if a person recovers his lost property he will give him $ 10. One who makes such a declaration is called Ja'il and the person who carries out the particular job is called Amil. The difference between agreement and ijara (hire) is that in the case of "hire" the employee should perform the job and the employer becomes indebted to the employee for his wages, whereas in the case of agreement it is possible that the employee (although he may be a particular person) may not engage himself in the particular job and unless he performs that job the employer does not become indebted to him.

Advanced Islamic English dictionary.      Расширенный исламский словарь английского языка.