Mecca is a holy city in Arabia.
Useful information: Names of Mecca
The Name "Mecca" is mentioned only once in the Holy Qur'an, in surat Al -Fath. But other names related to that city were also mentioned, which are: Baraat, Ummul- Qura, Al- Balad, Al Baldat, and Al Haram Al Aamin (The Safe Precinct).
Mecca is the landing place of revelation, where the angels assemble. It is the Kiblat of all Muslims. and the setting of their sights. It is the title of their honour and unity.
Mecca is the Muslims' direction wheen practicing their religious ceremonies and daily prayers. It is the house to which they make pilgrimage every year.
The Almighty God Has honoured Mecca, for all of it is a bountiful place. It is the sacred place for God and His sanctuary.
Enough honour has been given to it that the Prophet (p b. u. h) grew up in it, whom God Has, exclusively, honored him, when He sent him with verses and wise reminiscence. So it is the first place for revelation. the first to receive the guarding angle Gabriel, and the heading place for God's Prophets and righteous Apostles.